Monday, July 16, 2007

Stayed back for interact duty today. Made paper mache ladybugs. Some were out of shape and some were headless. Sent the ladybugs for a sun tan and went to collect them after a while.

I put the lady bugs on my skirt as my fingers couldn't carry them all.
And when i finally placed them on the floor, i found out that the paint on the ladybug wasn't dry and it got on my skirt. =.= great luck i have.

And then what amused us was that the afternoon session girls were told to run around the field by the afternoon session's penyelia as they were quite noisy. It was more like a evening walk to digest the girls' stomachs.

punishment that seems like a evening walk

It seems that the afternoon girls enjoyed the walk as they could skip their classes.
And when there was an announcement for Micheal girls to stay back, we heard some shouts of joy.

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