Monday, December 31, 2007

In a blink of an eye, time had passed so quickly. It's gonna be another beginning of another year in another 4 hours or so. Many things had happened during this year. The struggling to catch up in studies with other people, the PMR examination, the tonsil operation and of course the results of PMR. =) (KIM, YOURS MIGHT BE GETTING TO KNOW KK EVEN MORE AND EXPERIENCING YOUR FIRST TIME TO HAVE A SECRET *******)Hehe.

As a new year begin to start, of course I would have some new year resolutions.

1. Study harder to achieve greater heights.
2. Get to slim down.
3. Get my dad to approve us to go on our Australia trip!
4. Receive more moneeeeyyyyyy
5. To not be a push-over any moreeeeee! (Chin yi, *ahem*)
6. To grow taller than my younger sister, Chin yi. =(
7. To pass my grade 8 practical.
8. To be a stronger and not getting so emotional girl.

8 resolutions for 2008! Happy new year, everyone!

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