Sunday, September 21, 2008

Joey, you're finally 16.

A few months back, we were having this conversation where we were all 16 already and we could drive next year till it hit us Joey was still a 15 baby. We'd have our driving license by then and Joey would still be having her mum as her chauffer. We could go "Honk Honk" on our Kancil to Joey's envy. But when she got her license,and her new Jaguar maybe, we'd all hide our faces while she goes"HONK HONK".

For this whole year, I've been a victim of abuse of Joey. Physical abuse, Verbal abuse, Sexual abuse maybe? Kidding.

Physical abuse. When she pinches people, it could result in a blue black plus fingernail mark there and it stayed for 3 days for my case.

Everyone would go,"She's being Joey."

Sitting behind her in the class,I notice how messy her hair can be till the extent that I borrowed a comb from my friend and combed her hair.

The neat hair stayed for only 10 seconds.
And of course, I was the only one who realised everytime she got a hair cut.

This girl has an appetite of a horse. She's hungry 24/7 and wallops everything down in front of her. I bet Wenli spent like RM 1238489.98237823 on her Gianni's meal.

Pictures from the party:

Birthday Girl

before the party

nerd vs bimbo

Typical joey who doesn't know how to put on an earring.

with her dad and bro

younger bro and the dad

with the birthday girl

crazy high girl

The best birthday party I've ever been to. =)

Joey, all the best in Australia and we'll miss you. ='(

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